I have been photographing these sweet big sister and brother for about 1.5 years. They are two of the cutest kids I have ever photographed! Whenever we meet, they start talking with me right away, asking cute questions, making jokes and smiling. They are truly fun kids with a lot of personality! Having a little brother about 8 months ago made them even more fun. During our photo session, they gave hugs and kisses to their little one, and talked about him. So adorable!
I love seeing how kids can be very happy with the littlest things. Filling up the glasses with lemonade, stirring the pitcher, eating a slice of watermelon, tasting a giant lollipop… Those are very simple things but for them they are actually pretty fun things. I am so glad that I was able to create an enjoyable environment for them to play and freeze their cute moments. Even though it was a pretty hot day here in Bakersfield (108F), we enjoyed our time.
I hope your summers are spent having fun, making friends, drinking lots of cold lemonade and eating plenty of fresh watermelon. I will be back with more summer photos before the summer ends! So, stay tuned! :)